Monday, December 6, 2010

Carbon Monoxide-POISON!

Carbon monoxied is a very poisonous gas that kills about 500 people in a year in the United States. How this poisonous gas gets in you is either by a stove, or a water heater. You can't smell, hear, or taste it. Its known as the "silent killer." CO is a by-product of incomplete combustions. When it gets in the body, the CO takes over the normal oxgyen molecules, and enters the bloodstream and goes to the brain and heart. Inhaling a great amount of this poison can lead to death. Syptoms can be flu-like, including headache, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. People who have CO don't know it till its too late. Now, they have carbon monoxide detectors that sends an alarm like a smoke detectors. Getting one is a must during winter time, especially when we're using our furnaces.
