Monday, January 24, 2011

Making a baby with Dillion

So Friday, we did a little project on making a baby by getting with a partner and looking at each others traits and seeing what our baby would look like. Dillion and I ended up flipping a coin and got a girl. How this is, is a man gives a X and a Y trait in the sperm. The egg of a women has a XX trait. As I said, we flipped a coin and got a girl. On a piece of paper, it asked questions like eye color, skin color and etc. And by flipping a coin, we determined how our daughter would look like. With a brown hair girl and a blonde hair guy, our daughter would have black hair, how, I have no idea. And with blue eyes and hazel eyes, she will have brown. It was kind of weird, but today, we got to draw on how she looked like. Dillion, now his drawing of her wasn't pretty. She looked like a monster. Mine on the other hand, was ok. Better than his. But it was a pretty fun experiment.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Babies and Cloning

Yesterday, we watched a small video about cloning. All they did was stick a tube like thing in the membrane and took the nucleolus and put it into another cell or egg. Thats how one cloning was in the video. There are reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning.
Reproductive cloning is to try and generate an animal DNA into another animal's DNA who is somewhat similar. Kind of what the video was showing.
Therapeutic cloning, known as "embryo cloning", is not to create cloned human beings, but rather to harvest stem cells that can be used to study human development and to treat disease. To learn about more click here.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Making Babies with Caryn

So yesterday, we played with these beads. The beads represented the chromosomes. By mixing the mom and the dad genes together makes miosis. So by mixing them, we made a baby.  All of them did not match each other, but none of them really do.

Our Onion Graph