Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Evolution Final

Tonya Lopez
Biology Final
May 9, 2011
3rd Hour


            Through many, many years, evolution is happening everywhere you turn. In humans, technology, and pets. But lets take a look back on how evolution took place, and who and where it all started.
            The definition of evolution is descent with modification. Is change over time either on a small scale, which there is a small change in the genes that happen frequently in one generation to the next, or a large scale, which is the descent of different species from a common ancestor over many generations.  Its basically change over time. An example of short term, trees through the season. Long term, hills to mountains.
            Each life has a history. It has changed over time, and that different species share common ancestors. If one has come from a family of four limbs, hair, or vertebrates. Every thing has a past, a family tree or another name would be phylogenies. From the bottom of the phylogeny is the root is the ancestral lineage, and the tips of the branches are the descendents of that ancestor. Everything living has an ancestor; they have to come from somewhere.  Biologist use phylogenetic trees to classify organisms and what they are closely related to. Like, for example, humans are closely related to apes. How they determine this is we all come from organisms known as Hominidae. Humans are most closely related to chimpanzees from anatomy and genetics. Every living thing has to adapt to their surroundings, and this is how evolution accurse. If a white mouse is in a black cave, its going to get eaten. So, from generation to generation, the mouse would eventually turn black because of where it lives.  So, if we were to create a family tree for them, we would be able to track where the genes started to change, and how at one point, the mouse was white. They evolved, but not all mice will turn black.
            Everything that has a life, and has a family, whether it’s a mouse, human, plants, anything, something has to come from somewhere. In a way, we are all related, and come from the same ancestor. But as the years went by, and the world has changed, so did everything else.